#alleKINDER #allChildren: Participate in the worldwide reading of children’s rights or spread our appeal
“Make Children’s rights a basic right” with the hashtag #alleKinder #allCCHILDREN by social media
Supports our demand to include children’s rights in the Basic Law in Germany.
Read a children’s right and send us the movie or your link either to the following email: Kontakt@Grips.Theater or upload it to the supporters page. We will share your message through our social media channels.
Or you can post your article with #alleKINDER #allCHILDREN on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and help us to appeal to the policy to anchor the rights of the child in the Basic Law in Germany! As of May 22, the campaign of our alliance partner, the German Children’s Fund, likes to start with the hashtag #kigg19.
Grab a camera, pen, cell phone – and go! Which right for children is particularly important to you? Why do children need rights? Which initiatives around children’s rights do you find supportive?
Here we have the children’s rights, once the legal text and once in plain language uploaded. In addition, you will find in the media kit some image templates, assets that you can use: