Fifty years ago, the GRIPS Theater was founded to help children and young people who had no rights at the time. For 50 years we have been using our means to ensure that children and adolescents know their rights. The 50th GRIPS anniversary is under the motto ON THE CHILD’S SIDE. We would like to use the broad public that we receive with our anniversary to make the demand “Children’s rights into the Basic Law now!” The following actions and events are all about #alleKINDER #allCHILDREN:
– Netzfest – Bühne / re:publica
#alleKINDER #allCHILDREN- Kampagne für die Verankerung der Kinderrechte ins Grundgesetz
Festwochen ON THE CHILD’S SIDE 6. bis 19. June
9. June: Carnival of the Cultures – Karneval der Kulturen
GRIPS-Wagen speziell zu #alleKINDER
6. June: opening Premiere: DIE LÜCKE IM BAUZAUN
Children have a right to free play Kinder haben ein Recht auf freies Spiel
11. June: Anniversary gala with celebrities – Jubiläumsgala mit Promis
Action afterwards in the foyer: Celebrities campaign for the #alleKINDER #allCHILDREN campaign.
11. bis 14. June: Symposium “Children’s Rights in the Theater”
13. June, 10 bis 15 Uhr: Children are boarding the stage – Kinder entern die Bühne
15. June, 12 bis 21 Uhr: HANSAPLATZFEST
“Airmail for the Bundestag” – “Luftpost für den Bundestag”:
Great air balloon event: #allKINDER #allCHILDREN