The GRIPS Theater, which has been campaigning for children’s rights for 50 years, is calling together with its allies, the National Coalition, the Internationalen Liga für Menschenrechte, the Deutschen Kinderhilfswerk (German Children’s Fund), the Jugendlichen ohne Grenzen (JOG) (Youth Without Borders) and the Assitej to a worldwide reading of children’s rights. Exactly 30 years ago, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted. 30 years later, children’s rights are poorly implemented in many states and are not adequately anchored by law. Even in Germany, children’s rights have not been enshrined in the Basic Law despite many attempts.
#alleKINDER-Aktion des 7. Kinderrechte-Filmfestivals in Berlin
Mit ihren selbstgedrehten Filmen zeigen Schüler*innen aus ganz Deutschland am 19. und 20. November 2019 ihrem Publikum im Filmtheater am Friedrichshain, welche Ungerechtigkeiten sie auf Schulhöfen, im Klassenzimmer und zu Hause bewegen – und was Kinder tun können, um für die eigenen Rechte einzutreten.
Die Kindermoderator*innen des Kinderrechte-Filmfestivals haben den Appell “Kinderrechte ins Grundgesetz, jetzt!” vor laufender Kamera eingesprochen und zeigen ihn jeweils vor den Filmpremieren. Außerdem gibt es besondere Appell-Eintrittskarten, welche die Kinder vorab mit individuellen Statements und Zeichnungen gestalten und die dann an den Deutschen Bundestag übergeben werden.
We call for the worldwide reading of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as an appeal to the politicians to include them in the Basic Law in Germany and worldwide.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear politicians,
Thirty years ago, the international community passed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In order for children’s rights to become law worldwide after 30 years, we need your support. Join us in establishing an anchoring of children’s rights in the Basic Law and in the legislation of all states of the world.
All children must know their rights.
All children must be heard.
All children must be granted their rights.
We are all responsible for the well-being of children and must ensure the implementation of their rights.
Only in this way can children be protected from war, hunger and poverty.
Only in this way can children receive the same opportunities to grow up.
Only in this way can children be involved and taken seriously.
Responsible action for future generations means:
Now respect the children’s rights, implement and ensure compliance, worldwide!
Under the hashtag #alleKINDER #allCHILDREN we want to use social media with you for a wide distribution of this campaign. There are many ways to participate in this campaign, on this page we present it.
The campaign #alleKINDER #allCHILDREN starts from the social media channels of the GRIPS Theater, under “Participate” and “Support” you will also find various options on this website.
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